The ThriveNX Podcast

The Thrive Shift: A New Direction

Episode Summary

The ThriveNX podcast is back! Dr. Stephanie Hampton Credle shares exciting news about this season's episodes. Thriving exponentially in every area of life is still the clarion call for the podcast but a fresh new approach is on the horizon! Join Dr. Stephanie as she gives you the inside scoop on what you expect to hear as the ThriveNX podcast shifts to empower women to think differently, move intentionally, grow purposefully, work inclusively, and impact significantly!

Episode Transcription

Thrive-NX Podcast (The Z-Spot)

Hi!  This is Dr. Stephanie and there so much I want to talk to you about today!  You are listening to the ThriveNX Podcast, episode # 7. How providential is that?  I think you’ll understand just what I mean after you listen to today’s podcast.

I started the ThriveNX podcast last year after I hosted “The ThriveNX Summit”.  That was a three-day event with a host of inspirational speakers, each of whom had a message designed to help you thrive in every area of your life.  I know…I know…that’s a bold statement because so many people expect to have some area of life that’s dull, mediocre, and sometimes, just plain “jacked up”!  

It was important to me not to stop after three days, but to continue the sound the kk“thrive” alarm!  And…so…the ThriveNX podcast was born —- a place to share a message of an intentional and positive lifestyle, especially for people of faith.  Alright…that was last year!  Can I be honest?  It’s taken me some time to find just the right place to share and define the audience that I believe I’m called to.

So get ready, you’re about to hear about my personal transformation and what that will mean for the future.  In other words, you know we’re about to shift, right!  And hopefully, it’s just a shift for me.  My heart’s desire is to reconnect to make sure that I not only find my voice, but that your voice is heard and you have a place to land where you can breathe deeply and exhale completely!

I’ve always wanted to do a podcast, but I have to admit that I approached it from the viewpoint that the recording had to be so technically perfect that I struggled to be consistent.  Not only that, but I was nervous about what was in my heart.  I wondered if my voice was needed or viable.

The reality is that I’d spent years working in an environment where I felt restricted…you know…almost muzzled because of my position.  Rather than just sharing from the heart, with a focus toward raising questions and simply listening to the voices that could lend to the discussion, I thought I had to have the perfect solutions.

Fast forward to today.  What’s new for us?

You’re going to hear a lot more of my voice.  I’m going to be your forward thinking, straight-shooter friend who gets excited about sharing ideas and information that will help you reach your next level.

 I recognize that there are so many voices out there.  Which was another reason why my podcast languished a bit over the year.  got a bit over run with the vast number of people who consider themselves experts —- and normally it’s in areas that can generate income for themselves.  

I recognize now that I’m best when I can just talk to people.  I’m best when I listen to women and just pour into them, because of my gift of seeing the best in them.  That’s really my true gifting!  I love to see people grow!  I love to help them develop, struggle to step outside of their comfort zones, (and honestly) I love to see people cry and wail as I push them a bit (well more than just a bit), only to later have them come back and share just how much connecting with me has helped them thrive.

So this podcast is changing!  I can hear Jennifer Holliday singing that song right now!  I’m going to look back and capitalize on what I know has worked with countless people.  We are going to grow together as I get out of my comfort zone and bring the kinds of challenging, engaging topics that will inspire you to “think”!  

Did you hear me say “think”?  I’m not sure if the podcasts will start with a question, but they will always question the status quo!  Each episode will encourage you to step out and do something different.  They will help you connect with other women who will ensure you reach your destiny! 

A couple of years ago, I discovered a group of women in the Bible who embody this mindset.  They were five daughters of a man with a really funny name — Zelophehad.  You can find their story in Numbers 26.  I began to study them — and I found that everything from their names to their circumstances can speak to us today.

Here’s what might be coming in the new episodes!  Now, when I say might, that means I’m not completely clear about all of the changes that are coming!  Just stay with me and wel’ll take the journey together!  

It’s important for you to know something about me. Do you recall I said I want to find my voice and speak my truth?  I want you to know that you don’t have to nervous about living some “Stephanie-nisms”.  I promise to make sure that the stuff I share is sound, well-researched, and foundational to God’s guidance as he imparts that in his Word.  And—-if it’s not, I promise to tell you up front!  You know…I’m going to say —- “this is Stephanie.  And I’m not sure if this is concrete…or if it’s just one step on the journey to enlightenment.”

I’m going to continue to bring guests on to the podcast that help and inspire you.  They may be anyone — from a family member whose life gets me motivated, a friend who overcomes a serious struggle to thrive, or a thought leader whose writings have reached an acclaim.  

Like the Daughters of Zelophehad, I’m going to bring women together who have skills and talents that can inform and support you as you grow.  

That’s the only way we can acquire everything God has ordained for us.  That’s the only way that “WE” can show up “courageously” as true, authentic selves.

This means, “I just gotta be me.”  I think that was what was missing for me from the old podcast was the “full version of me”.  Here’s where we (you and me) go from here. If you stick with this podcast, we’re going to be open to “think differently”.  We’re not going to fear opening our minds.  ‘We’ll commit to “move intentionally” (on purpose),  We expect to “grow purposefully”.  We recognize that one is just too small a number to gain significance…so we’ll be courageous enough to connect with others and “work inclusively”.  And the result of all of that is a life where we “impact significantly”.  Just as the five daughters.

All of the conversations we’ll have will be casual but urgent —- and they’ll be geared for women of faith!  That’s what you’ll find at “The Z-Spot”.  Did you hear me?  I just gave you a hint that the podcast is going to get a fresh name change.  It’s all so we can change the trajectory of your life — today and in the years to come!  It’s all about legacy!  You deserve it.  You should be empowered to request and expect more and to live your more!

I need your help to make The Z-Spot a thriving exponential experience.  You see, we’re still talking about thriving.  So…please share with me how the messages are helping you.  Share with someone else if the podcast helps you.  

That’s all for now.  I hope you’ll join me next week as I share insight from one of my “out of the comfort zone” experiences in “The Power of Exposure - How Travel Can Help Your Grow!”